Wednesday, October 13, 2010

One of Those Days

Okay, actually, one of those weeks.  Nothing bad has happened to me.  My family are all healthy and compared to others our problems are small.  I've tried really hard to be grateful for that and remember that compared to others we have it made.  My finances aren't great right now.  My car is about to be repossessed and the husband and I are going to have to carpool.  But all in all, we have no reason to complain.

Which leads me to today.  I find out this morning that one of my step-sons best friends was killed in a motorcycle accident.  I only met him a few times and don't feel the loss like everyone else does, but the fact that it's hurting my family kills me. I'm all about the support though.  And I'll move heaven and earth to make sure that I do whatever my family needs.  But I feel like we've dodged a bullet.  And I know that there will be an end to that.  I guess I'm just reminded again of the ebb and flow of life.  I've had periods in my life where I was going to a funeral every time I turned around.  I've had periods like now where I'm celebrating a baby's birth every time I turn around.  (No complaints there.)  It's all part of life.  And I know the days of being in hospitals and funeral homes is coming again.  And today I'm grateful.

Then Oklahoma up and has an earthquake.  Really?  An earthquake.  In Okla-freaking-homa.  Wow.  So I'm wondering...what's next.  Frogs, locusts, boils?

And then I see the miners in Chile getting rescued and I realize that good things still happen in spite of what is in front of us so often.

God is in His heaven and the world is in His hands.  And I'm reminded of the analogy of life being like a jigsaw puzzle. Each day we get a new piece and some days they fit together somewhere and other days you look at it going WTH??? and other days you just think...okay, it's just like all the others.  And God is the only one who can see the top of the box to see what it's going to look like in the end.