Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Odds and Ends

The explanation of the poll - I do a really, really good imitation of the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz.  I have the voice down perfect.  My almost 4 year old granddaughter loves it but it scares her to pieces.  The husband...this poor child's grandfather mind you...wants me to dress up like the Wicked Witch of the West for Halloween...and talk like her.  So my question...should I or shouldn't I?  Will it completely scar her for life?  Or am I being an old fuddy duddy?? - Oh, and I just really like polls.  I'm a poll addict.  And I'm trying to make my blog site more "interesting". 

"We're not disorganized, we're flexible."  - This was a saying of an old boss of mine and actually...we were way disorganized.  And when I say it, I'm really saying I'm disorganized.  I'm not generally flexible.  But that seems to be the lesson my life is trying to teach me right now.  Because the husband and I are sharing a vehicle now, I'm having to get creative about things.  Normally, if I can't go to the gym after work, then I think.  "Oh, well, that's it, I can't work out."  But yesterday I was really freaking bored at lunch so I decided that since I can't go work out tonight, I can walk the campus at lunch.  If I have to wait for the husband for a little while...I can stick a book in my purse.  If nothing else comes from this experience...I want to be able to say I'm more flexible and more creative about spending my time.

My step-son and daughter-in-law lost a dear friend of their's last week.  He was too young and leaves behind a young daughter and a devastated family and friends.  Motorcycle riders...don't drink and ride...and for the love of everything holy wear your helmets!!!

And finally...the other lesson of this past week...hot flashes are annoying, but they don't last and I can live with them.  And then I found out we're not changing my hormones, we're decreasing them....so I don't have to try to live with them for another year.  Maybe that's the metaphor for my life right now.  Nothing lasts and I can live with it.

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