Okay, no, not really. It's been crazy hectic. But my brain has been quiet which is...not normal.
Okay, that's not really true either. I get these spells where I've got nothin'. No profound wisdom, no fun things on my mind, just getting through life one step at a time. Compared to the times of my life when I'm thinking in 150 gajillion directions...it's kinda nice. Not so great for a blog, though.
What's been happening this week?
I met a scorpion named Jennifer. And saw the biggest freakin' Burmese python I've ever seen in my 39 and a half years and please Lord let it be the last. It was in a tank. At a nature center. But still. Holy mackerel that thing was huge. I would've been just a tasty snack. I was able to keep a detached interest at the other 50 some-odd snakes they had including the rattlesnakes, but the Burmese python scared the bejeebers out of me.
My one and only grandson turned 5 on the same day. Needless to say that was the highlight of the day (although the 2 bobcats were pretty cool).
My oldest granddaughter had her 3rd Christmas dance recital and finally came out of her dancing shell. She danced! And smiled! At the same time!!! She's my more cerebral girl so it was good to see her let some of her personality show to the rest of the world instead of standing there thinking about everyone looking at her.
The next night the middle granddaughter had her very first ever dance recital. No worries about her thinking too much about it. She smiled and danced and flipped her hair and had a great time. Until about 3/4 of the way into each dance and then she was over it. But she'd finish...just you could tell she was done. There's a lot of speculation about her having ADHD and sometimes you can really see when she's just onto something else in her mind.
Wednesday was the migraine from Hades...not a good day, but I worked most of the day, went home and went to bed... and then went on with my week.
Yesterday was day one of Couch to 5K which is a whole other post entirely.
Now I'm just kinda ready to be done with work. I have some things I need to do the next couple of weeks, but for the most part I'm ready to just chill. We'll have the two local grandgirls most of the time so I'm not sure how much actual "chill" will happen, but I'm going to try my hardest.
Oh, and as for the Dr.'s appointment last week? They called on Friday afternoon with the results of the echo. Still no word on the holter, but I only had to push the stupid button three times, right before bed, when my heart palpitates anyway if I'm extremely tired. So I'm not too worried about it...but this is why I hate having tests run this time of year.
* As soon as I originally posted this...I got the call from the heart doc. It's all good. I had some extra beats...which I knew....but nothing they haven't seen before.
A blog about the fruit basket turnover that is my life. I'm a hodgepodge of a lot of things and really just want to start writing something again.

Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Nothing to complain about
I have nothing to complain about really. I'm going to the heart doc tomorrow and really it's not that big of a deal. I love my current cardiologist and I haven't always been able to say that. I'm having an echocardiogram and a holter monitor like I do every December and really that's not that big of a deal. I'll have the exact same conversation with the echo tech that I do every year because she doesn't remember me from year to year. I'll have the same conversation I do with the doc every six months (Are you exercising? Why not? When are you going to start? What's the plan?) I get a day off of work. I'll be able to do all my Christmas shopping when I'm done.
So what's the deal? Every adult CHD'er (CHD = Congenital Heart Defect for those that don't know) will tell you the same thing I'm sure. Going to the heart doc is annoying. I work with around 50 people. I can think of only two others that work here who have standing appointments with a cardiologist and they're men in their 50's/60's. Although now that I'm less than 6 months away from 40 I'm starting to fit into the right age group. It's fun trying to explain to people why you're going to a heart doc when you're 25 - "Are you waiting on your grandfather?" "No, I'm here to see the doc." "But you're way to young for that." "No, trust me, I'm getting way to old for this. It was much easier when I was 5". Because lets face it. When you're 5 the heart doc has toys to play with while you wait. I mean come on!
It's annoying because if I tell my family I have a heart doc appointment I get "Gasp! I hope everything's OKAY!" It is. It's been okay for years now. Please don't worry. But they do. Parents, aunts, uncles, cousins...they were there. They remember the days when we were all fighting for my life. They remember the tears, the prayers, the hopes, the wishes. And then there's the brothers who all they've ever known is a sister with heart problems. So it instills fear in them to hear I'm headed to the heart doc. But then there's the new family. My husband and his family. All they've ever known is that I have heart problems, but other than 3 days in the hospital 5 years ago they haven't really seen it manifested so...."Do we worry? What's going on? Is something wrong?" No, it's just what I need to do. And the flip side of all of this is if I keep it to myself that I'm going for a check-up then I get. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US???" So I kinda can't win here. And I get both sides of that coin. I really do. And I try to be understanding. But when I post the status, send the text, tweet, whatever...I brace myself.
It's annoying because I'm allergic to some of the adhesives they use for the leads for the holter monitor. Which means 24 hours of itchy. Yay.
But if I've learned anything by meeting CHD'ers on the internet it's that I have it really good. It's been almost 20 years since my last open-heart surgery with only minor complications since then. I've gotten off relatively easy. I understand that I'm one of the few that's kept consistent contact with good medical care. It's paid off. I do have a hole in my heart, but it's not a big deal and doesn't seem to be anything to worry about anytime soon. I'm truly blessed and truly have nothing to complain about.
But when has that ever stopped me???
So what's the deal? Every adult CHD'er (CHD = Congenital Heart Defect for those that don't know) will tell you the same thing I'm sure. Going to the heart doc is annoying. I work with around 50 people. I can think of only two others that work here who have standing appointments with a cardiologist and they're men in their 50's/60's. Although now that I'm less than 6 months away from 40 I'm starting to fit into the right age group. It's fun trying to explain to people why you're going to a heart doc when you're 25 - "Are you waiting on your grandfather?" "No, I'm here to see the doc." "But you're way to young for that." "No, trust me, I'm getting way to old for this. It was much easier when I was 5". Because lets face it. When you're 5 the heart doc has toys to play with while you wait. I mean come on!
It's annoying because if I tell my family I have a heart doc appointment I get "Gasp! I hope everything's OKAY!" It is. It's been okay for years now. Please don't worry. But they do. Parents, aunts, uncles, cousins...they were there. They remember the days when we were all fighting for my life. They remember the tears, the prayers, the hopes, the wishes. And then there's the brothers who all they've ever known is a sister with heart problems. So it instills fear in them to hear I'm headed to the heart doc. But then there's the new family. My husband and his family. All they've ever known is that I have heart problems, but other than 3 days in the hospital 5 years ago they haven't really seen it manifested so...."Do we worry? What's going on? Is something wrong?" No, it's just what I need to do. And the flip side of all of this is if I keep it to myself that I'm going for a check-up then I get. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US???" So I kinda can't win here. And I get both sides of that coin. I really do. And I try to be understanding. But when I post the status, send the text, tweet, whatever...I brace myself.
It's annoying because I'm allergic to some of the adhesives they use for the leads for the holter monitor. Which means 24 hours of itchy. Yay.
But if I've learned anything by meeting CHD'ers on the internet it's that I have it really good. It's been almost 20 years since my last open-heart surgery with only minor complications since then. I've gotten off relatively easy. I understand that I'm one of the few that's kept consistent contact with good medical care. It's paid off. I do have a hole in my heart, but it's not a big deal and doesn't seem to be anything to worry about anytime soon. I'm truly blessed and truly have nothing to complain about.
But when has that ever stopped me???
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Land of the Living
I'm back!! If anybody missed me, I was at home with a stomach virus. I don't recommend it. Two days home, alone has it's benefits....but not if you feel like death warmed over. But I'm back to "normal" today and craving chicken strips...so lunch had better hurry up and get here.
A couple of thoughts from the last couple of days....Ramen noodles are the best food in the world. Saltine crackers are the second best food in the world. I can be excused for getting sick. It happens. What is inexcusable is when I forget to take my medication and do it to myself. The stomach virus was complicated by a lack of my diuretic for too long. Memo to me...don't mention that to the cardiologist on Friday.
And that's about it. Not a lot of thinking when you're laying on the couch trying to keep down said noodles and crackers.
A couple of thoughts from the last couple of days....Ramen noodles are the best food in the world. Saltine crackers are the second best food in the world. I can be excused for getting sick. It happens. What is inexcusable is when I forget to take my medication and do it to myself. The stomach virus was complicated by a lack of my diuretic for too long. Memo to me...don't mention that to the cardiologist on Friday.
And that's about it. Not a lot of thinking when you're laying on the couch trying to keep down said noodles and crackers.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Holiday "Rules" for Husbands
After stifling several screams last week, I came up with the following rules for husbands during the Holidays. This may not apply to any husband other than mine....and actually, it may apply to some wives depending on how your family rolls.
Rule #1 - If your wife is cleaning and cooking and going to the grocery store and running around like a chicken with her head cut off....go away. Go to the office, go to the shop, go hunting, go to the grocery store for her...it really doesn't matter. Just get out of the way!! Oh, and if you do go hunting, do NOT, for the love of everything holy, actually bring back anything until after the holiday is over. Your wife will not appreciate having to cook Thanksgiving dinner AND dress out a deer.
Rule #2 - If your wife has made several lists...grocery lists, lists of things to do, lists of what she's cooking, etc. Don't sit there and point out everything she may have forgotten. Either add it to the list or go get it for her.
Rule #3 - The night before Thanksgiving, eat a sandwich, or go get a pizza, or something. Anything but ask "What's for dinner?"
Rule #4 - If your wife is in the process of cleaning out the refrigerator....wait a few minutes to make a sandwich. You're not starving. It can wait 10 minutes. Same goes for getting yourself something to drink. Unless you just came in from a week in the desert, you're probably not going to die if you don't get something to drink before she's finished.
Rule #5 - Much like rule number 3 - the night of Thanksgiving, after your bride has been cooking for two days and after eating a huge dinner....do not then, that evening ask "What's for supper?" The answer is either a) leftovers or b)@#$#@&^ or if your lucky c) she rolls her eyes and ignores you for the rest of the night.
Actually, they all could boil down to one basic rule...unless you want to do it all yourself, help a girl out!!! Especially when the majority of the people coming are your family. If it's hers, then still see all these rules, but she has less to complain about.
Anybody else have any good rules for the holidays? I'm sure I missed a lot.
Rule #1 - If your wife is cleaning and cooking and going to the grocery store and running around like a chicken with her head cut off....go away. Go to the office, go to the shop, go hunting, go to the grocery store for her...it really doesn't matter. Just get out of the way!! Oh, and if you do go hunting, do NOT, for the love of everything holy, actually bring back anything until after the holiday is over. Your wife will not appreciate having to cook Thanksgiving dinner AND dress out a deer.
Rule #2 - If your wife has made several lists...grocery lists, lists of things to do, lists of what she's cooking, etc. Don't sit there and point out everything she may have forgotten. Either add it to the list or go get it for her.
Rule #3 - The night before Thanksgiving, eat a sandwich, or go get a pizza, or something. Anything but ask "What's for dinner?"
Rule #4 - If your wife is in the process of cleaning out the refrigerator....wait a few minutes to make a sandwich. You're not starving. It can wait 10 minutes. Same goes for getting yourself something to drink. Unless you just came in from a week in the desert, you're probably not going to die if you don't get something to drink before she's finished.
Rule #5 - Much like rule number 3 - the night of Thanksgiving, after your bride has been cooking for two days and after eating a huge dinner....do not then, that evening ask "What's for supper?" The answer is either a) leftovers or b)@#$#@&^ or if your lucky c) she rolls her eyes and ignores you for the rest of the night.
Actually, they all could boil down to one basic rule...unless you want to do it all yourself, help a girl out!!! Especially when the majority of the people coming are your family. If it's hers, then still see all these rules, but she has less to complain about.
Anybody else have any good rules for the holidays? I'm sure I missed a lot.
Monday, November 22, 2010
The Most Organized Thanksgiving Ever...
Secondary title - When did I become my grandmothers???
I can't say that I've always been the most organized person when it comes to the holidays. Anything worth doing is worth doing at the last minute is generally my motto. And this is probably really only my 3rd or 4th holiday with all the family coming to my house for dinner. So I feel like I'm way ahead of the learning curve.
Before Thanksgiving, I had to make sure the following things were accomplished:
1) Decide what the heck we're going to eat.
2) Let everyone know what we're going to eat and what all the girls need to bring.
3) Clean out my dining room which is currently the granddaughters' play room so we can put an actual table in it.
4) Do the shopping for the food that I'm cooking.
5) Clean house.
6) Cook.
On that list, I have managed to...
Are you ready for it???
Wait for it...
Do all but #'s 5 and 6.
And actually I'm ahead of the game on #5 because I did quite a bit of cleaning this week-end, but I still have to live in my house between now and Thursday so I'm sure I'll have a couple of things to do on Wednesday. And I do have to go to the store either tonight or tomorrow and get a couple of things that I forgot. But no trying to push a cart around on Wednesday night after frantically cleaning all day and hoping beyond hope that there is still one ham that will feed 8 adults and 4 children while trying to figure out if I want to bake all my desserts or just buy them frozen and hope they thaw out in time for us to be able to eat them with forks and not chainsaws after dinner.
So instead of looking at my day off on Wednesday with little panic attacks wondering what in the heck I was doing agreeing to have Thanksgiving at my house this year. I'm actually pretty chilled out.
This can mean only one thing. Some crazy flu, virus, cold, something is going to hit and I'll be trying to cook with 102 degree fever.
Wish me luck!!
I can't say that I've always been the most organized person when it comes to the holidays. Anything worth doing is worth doing at the last minute is generally my motto. And this is probably really only my 3rd or 4th holiday with all the family coming to my house for dinner. So I feel like I'm way ahead of the learning curve.
Before Thanksgiving, I had to make sure the following things were accomplished:
1) Decide what the heck we're going to eat.
2) Let everyone know what we're going to eat and what all the girls need to bring.
3) Clean out my dining room which is currently the granddaughters' play room so we can put an actual table in it.
4) Do the shopping for the food that I'm cooking.
5) Clean house.
6) Cook.
On that list, I have managed to...
Are you ready for it???
Wait for it...
Do all but #'s 5 and 6.
And actually I'm ahead of the game on #5 because I did quite a bit of cleaning this week-end, but I still have to live in my house between now and Thursday so I'm sure I'll have a couple of things to do on Wednesday. And I do have to go to the store either tonight or tomorrow and get a couple of things that I forgot. But no trying to push a cart around on Wednesday night after frantically cleaning all day and hoping beyond hope that there is still one ham that will feed 8 adults and 4 children while trying to figure out if I want to bake all my desserts or just buy them frozen and hope they thaw out in time for us to be able to eat them with forks and not chainsaws after dinner.
So instead of looking at my day off on Wednesday with little panic attacks wondering what in the heck I was doing agreeing to have Thanksgiving at my house this year. I'm actually pretty chilled out.
This can mean only one thing. Some crazy flu, virus, cold, something is going to hit and I'll be trying to cook with 102 degree fever.
Wish me luck!!
Friday, November 12, 2010
I'm so excited!!!
And it's really weird. Not a lot of people will understand this.
I'm so excited because...my knee hurts.
I'm a watcher. I'm not a participator. I watch people play sports. I watch people run. I watch people do things.
I am now a doer.
I have jogged enough now to hurt my knee. This is so cool.
I'm so excited because...my knee hurts.
I'm a watcher. I'm not a participator. I watch people play sports. I watch people run. I watch people do things.
I am now a doer.
I have jogged enough now to hurt my knee. This is so cool.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
A whole lot of nothing
Which is exactly what's been going through my mind lately. A whole lot of nothing. Not a lot to build a blog post around I know but that's where I'm at.
My focus has been in about a million different places lately.
My grandson finished his first soccer season. We made two games. But he's going to be playing basketball this winter and soccer again in the spring. So there's more opportunities to go watch. And spend more time with him and his sister. Since they live an hour and a half away and their lives are super busy, we don't get to see them a lot.
My middle granddaughter is now 4. It goes by too fast. It seems like just yesterday I was talking to her minutes after birth telling her how much I already love her.
I have two nieces or nephews coming in the Spring. I'm leaning toward niece on both of them. I have mad baby predicting skills. I have been right about every niece and nephew that I knew about ahead of time. (There were a couple of instances of "we're having a girl/boy in a couple of months"). And I was right about all 4 grandkids. Even when everybody just knew the middle granddaughter was a boy, I was like, "Whatever, I'm buying pink." But I could be wrong. I recently tested this on my daughter-in-laws cousin to see if the baby had to technically be "mine", but I called boy and boy it is. I think it may be God's way of letting me have some fun since I don't get to have kids of my own.... So, P and L, I hope you didn't throw all of Miss A's stuff away. I think you can re-use it...
If I'm going to run the week-end of my 40th birthday, I need to exercise more than twice a week.
I hate migraines.
Work right now is scary....and our governor is an idiot.
Is fire season going to be as bad as they say, because the last time it was bad, it was pretty scary watching the hills around my house burn.
My roots have grown out quite a bit and I saw my hair in the sun for the first time in awhile without it being pulled up and holy mackerel my hair has gotten gray. I need a date with Miss Clairol ASAP.
The Oklahoma State Cowboys are number 1 in the Big 12 South and how flippin' cool is that???
And oh, crap, there's only two NASCAR races left this season. :(
So that's it. The contents of my brain lately.
Good luck with trying to figure it out. If you have any clues about where it's going to go next feel free to let me know....
My focus has been in about a million different places lately.
My grandson finished his first soccer season. We made two games. But he's going to be playing basketball this winter and soccer again in the spring. So there's more opportunities to go watch. And spend more time with him and his sister. Since they live an hour and a half away and their lives are super busy, we don't get to see them a lot.
My middle granddaughter is now 4. It goes by too fast. It seems like just yesterday I was talking to her minutes after birth telling her how much I already love her.
I have two nieces or nephews coming in the Spring. I'm leaning toward niece on both of them. I have mad baby predicting skills. I have been right about every niece and nephew that I knew about ahead of time. (There were a couple of instances of "we're having a girl/boy in a couple of months"). And I was right about all 4 grandkids. Even when everybody just knew the middle granddaughter was a boy, I was like, "Whatever, I'm buying pink." But I could be wrong. I recently tested this on my daughter-in-laws cousin to see if the baby had to technically be "mine", but I called boy and boy it is. I think it may be God's way of letting me have some fun since I don't get to have kids of my own.... So, P and L, I hope you didn't throw all of Miss A's stuff away. I think you can re-use it...
If I'm going to run the week-end of my 40th birthday, I need to exercise more than twice a week.
I hate migraines.
Work right now is scary....and our governor is an idiot.
Is fire season going to be as bad as they say, because the last time it was bad, it was pretty scary watching the hills around my house burn.
My roots have grown out quite a bit and I saw my hair in the sun for the first time in awhile without it being pulled up and holy mackerel my hair has gotten gray. I need a date with Miss Clairol ASAP.
The Oklahoma State Cowboys are number 1 in the Big 12 South and how flippin' cool is that???
And oh, crap, there's only two NASCAR races left this season. :(
So that's it. The contents of my brain lately.
Good luck with trying to figure it out. If you have any clues about where it's going to go next feel free to let me know....
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
I need your help...
All both of you...
I've been thinking about this whole running thing and I've gotten started and seem to be doing okay. If you can call walking for 20 minutes and running for 75 seconds okay. But compared to last week when I could only run for 70 seconds...it's progress.
But something is bothering me. And I need your help.
What should my t-shirt say. I've been thinking about the idea I posted last week and I'm just not feeling it. I'll be 40. I've survived three open heart surgeries. And I'm running for the first time in my life that wasn't because of grade school little olympics or some evil teacher who made us run because we didn't get our homework done on time.
So everyone let me know what you think and I'll pick the one I like best and make it into a shirt for the run. Who knows? Maybe I'll even get some made for my family and put Team Jennifer on it or something.
I've been thinking about this whole running thing and I've gotten started and seem to be doing okay. If you can call walking for 20 minutes and running for 75 seconds okay. But compared to last week when I could only run for 70 seconds...it's progress.
But something is bothering me. And I need your help.
What should my t-shirt say. I've been thinking about the idea I posted last week and I'm just not feeling it. I'll be 40. I've survived three open heart surgeries. And I'm running for the first time in my life that wasn't because of grade school little olympics or some evil teacher who made us run because we didn't get our homework done on time.
So everyone let me know what you think and I'll pick the one I like best and make it into a shirt for the run. Who knows? Maybe I'll even get some made for my family and put Team Jennifer on it or something.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
This is not a weight loss/exercise blog. Not knocking weight loss/exercise blogs. They have their purpose and I'm all for them. But the name Fruit Basket Turnover means I don't want to be pigeonholed into "weight loss" blog, "health" blog, "crazy Grandma" blog or whatever.
However.... I'm thinking about starting a running program. I've been hearing a lot about Couch to 5K which is the whole start out a couch potato and in 8 weeks (or however long it takes you) compete in a 5K.
I...am...not...a...runner. To quote the Genie in Aladdin "It's not a pretty picture. I don't like doing it!!" When everyone else is learning to run as a child, I was having to sit still and try not to pass out. Running isn't a natural thing for me. Now, I would run if like my house was on fire or I had a niece/nephew/grandchild running into the street. But for exercise? Not happening. I'll walk, thanks.
But I'm approaching my 40th birthday and I've been doing a lot of "why not?" kind of thinking. Why am I not trying to run? Seriously? Because I can't? Why not? "Never having really tried" does not equal "can't". I'm lazy? Well, yeah. That's why the scale is creeping up higher and higher.
What will happen if I try it? I may find out I like running!! (Okay...I didn't buy that either.) I may find out that once I get the mechanics figured out and work my way into it, it's not so bad. I may find out I have more power than I ever gave myself credit for. I mean, if other TOF patients can become Olympic snowboarders and triathlon participants, why can't I do a 5K????
So I'm going for it. I'll see if there are any 5K's around my birthday in April and if so and if I'm ready I'm making a t-shirt that says "I'm 40 and a heart survivor...Bring It!!" (And any available parents, kids, grandkids, brothers, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, friends...and yes dear, husbands...had better be there to cheer me on!!!)
However.... I'm thinking about starting a running program. I've been hearing a lot about Couch to 5K which is the whole start out a couch potato and in 8 weeks (or however long it takes you) compete in a 5K.
I...am...not...a...runner. To quote the Genie in Aladdin "It's not a pretty picture. I don't like doing it!!" When everyone else is learning to run as a child, I was having to sit still and try not to pass out. Running isn't a natural thing for me. Now, I would run if like my house was on fire or I had a niece/nephew/grandchild running into the street. But for exercise? Not happening. I'll walk, thanks.
But I'm approaching my 40th birthday and I've been doing a lot of "why not?" kind of thinking. Why am I not trying to run? Seriously? Because I can't? Why not? "Never having really tried" does not equal "can't". I'm lazy? Well, yeah. That's why the scale is creeping up higher and higher.
What will happen if I try it? I may find out I like running!! (Okay...I didn't buy that either.) I may find out that once I get the mechanics figured out and work my way into it, it's not so bad. I may find out I have more power than I ever gave myself credit for. I mean, if other TOF patients can become Olympic snowboarders and triathlon participants, why can't I do a 5K????
So I'm going for it. I'll see if there are any 5K's around my birthday in April and if so and if I'm ready I'm making a t-shirt that says "I'm 40 and a heart survivor...Bring It!!" (And any available parents, kids, grandkids, brothers, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, friends...and yes dear, husbands...had better be there to cheer me on!!!)
Friday, October 22, 2010
One of the principles of recovery in 12 step programs is gratitude. Primarily that gratitude isn't a feeling...it's an action. At least, that's what has been true for me. And we're coming up to November which is always considered "Gratitude Month" because of "Thanksgiving" and that's when you should be grateful. Which has always ticked me off. "Gratitude Month" should be turned into "Gratitude Friday at 4:30 am because I woke up from a dream and realized that I'm nice and cozy in my bed instead of out on the streets." or "Gratitude Wednesday at noon because the husband grilled cheeseburgers for lunch." or "Gratitude Saturday morning because even though I have a migraine...I still have medicine and it will go away." My focus should always be on gratitude and my question should always be...how can I pay it back?
Today was a great example. I'm grateful for the freedoms afforded me by our military. Our men and women who give up homes, families, friends and comfort to go to the most horrible places on earth and fight for our freedom. Because of my medical history it was never possible for me to become one of those people. The most I have had to sacrifice was quite a few sleepless nights when my baby brother was in the Army and serving in Kosovo. I haven't had to watch a child or spouse or parent go. But I can express my gratitude. I have the freedom to whine, complain and gripe about my country...and I have the freedom to say that in spite of our flaws, in spite of what we do to each other, in spite of the economy, we are the best country in the world. Now how do I pay it back? I voted. I took 15 minutes out of my day and I let my voice be heard. Will it matter? I don't know. But I did it. I encourage everyone who reads my blog (all both of you) to take the time out of your lives to go vote and let your voice be heard.
Another thing that has struck me this week is that I'm so very grateful for my job. I don't always love it. It's not always easy. But I have one. And for the most part it rocks. This week I've gotten a couple of opportunities to be of service outside of the 40 hour work week. It's Spirit Week...where the three classes of students compete against each other in different things. I got to be a judge this year. It's an honor to be asked. All I am is a little ol' school secretary. But I got the opportunity to interact with the kids and I had a blast. Now...no, I did not love the pumpkin and coconut milkshake (seriously? yuck) and I sure didn't love sticking my hand in a pile of stink bait to get the dead fish with the key tied to it. But for the most part it was a great night and I can't wait to do it again.
And finally, there's my family. I'm grateful for every single one of them. My life is richer for having all of them. The parents, the grandparents, the brothers, the kids, the grandkids, the aunts and uncles, the cousins, the steps, the in-laws and the out-laws. I don't do nearly enough to show my gratitude for them. I still spend way too much time worrying about who is doing what for me instead of what I can do for them. But I'm trying...
And I would have none of it without my Higher Power - God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Thank you.
Today was a great example. I'm grateful for the freedoms afforded me by our military. Our men and women who give up homes, families, friends and comfort to go to the most horrible places on earth and fight for our freedom. Because of my medical history it was never possible for me to become one of those people. The most I have had to sacrifice was quite a few sleepless nights when my baby brother was in the Army and serving in Kosovo. I haven't had to watch a child or spouse or parent go. But I can express my gratitude. I have the freedom to whine, complain and gripe about my country...and I have the freedom to say that in spite of our flaws, in spite of what we do to each other, in spite of the economy, we are the best country in the world. Now how do I pay it back? I voted. I took 15 minutes out of my day and I let my voice be heard. Will it matter? I don't know. But I did it. I encourage everyone who reads my blog (all both of you) to take the time out of your lives to go vote and let your voice be heard.
Another thing that has struck me this week is that I'm so very grateful for my job. I don't always love it. It's not always easy. But I have one. And for the most part it rocks. This week I've gotten a couple of opportunities to be of service outside of the 40 hour work week. It's Spirit Week...where the three classes of students compete against each other in different things. I got to be a judge this year. It's an honor to be asked. All I am is a little ol' school secretary. But I got the opportunity to interact with the kids and I had a blast. Now...no, I did not love the pumpkin and coconut milkshake (seriously? yuck) and I sure didn't love sticking my hand in a pile of stink bait to get the dead fish with the key tied to it. But for the most part it was a great night and I can't wait to do it again.
And finally, there's my family. I'm grateful for every single one of them. My life is richer for having all of them. The parents, the grandparents, the brothers, the kids, the grandkids, the aunts and uncles, the cousins, the steps, the in-laws and the out-laws. I don't do nearly enough to show my gratitude for them. I still spend way too much time worrying about who is doing what for me instead of what I can do for them. But I'm trying...
And I would have none of it without my Higher Power - God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Thank you.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Odds and Ends
The explanation of the poll - I do a really, really good imitation of the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz. I have the voice down perfect. My almost 4 year old granddaughter loves it but it scares her to pieces. The husband...this poor child's grandfather mind you...wants me to dress up like the Wicked Witch of the West for Halloween...and talk like her. So my question...should I or shouldn't I? Will it completely scar her for life? Or am I being an old fuddy duddy?? - Oh, and I just really like polls. I'm a poll addict. And I'm trying to make my blog site more "interesting".
"We're not disorganized, we're flexible." - This was a saying of an old boss of mine and actually...we were way disorganized. And when I say it, I'm really saying I'm disorganized. I'm not generally flexible. But that seems to be the lesson my life is trying to teach me right now. Because the husband and I are sharing a vehicle now, I'm having to get creative about things. Normally, if I can't go to the gym after work, then I think. "Oh, well, that's it, I can't work out." But yesterday I was really freaking bored at lunch so I decided that since I can't go work out tonight, I can walk the campus at lunch. If I have to wait for the husband for a little while...I can stick a book in my purse. If nothing else comes from this experience...I want to be able to say I'm more flexible and more creative about spending my time.
My step-son and daughter-in-law lost a dear friend of their's last week. He was too young and leaves behind a young daughter and a devastated family and friends. Motorcycle riders...don't drink and ride...and for the love of everything holy wear your helmets!!!
And finally...the other lesson of this past week...hot flashes are annoying, but they don't last and I can live with them. And then I found out we're not changing my hormones, we're decreasing them....so I don't have to try to live with them for another year. Maybe that's the metaphor for my life right now. Nothing lasts and I can live with it.
"We're not disorganized, we're flexible." - This was a saying of an old boss of mine and actually...we were way disorganized. And when I say it, I'm really saying I'm disorganized. I'm not generally flexible. But that seems to be the lesson my life is trying to teach me right now. Because the husband and I are sharing a vehicle now, I'm having to get creative about things. Normally, if I can't go to the gym after work, then I think. "Oh, well, that's it, I can't work out." But yesterday I was really freaking bored at lunch so I decided that since I can't go work out tonight, I can walk the campus at lunch. If I have to wait for the husband for a little while...I can stick a book in my purse. If nothing else comes from this experience...I want to be able to say I'm more flexible and more creative about spending my time.
My step-son and daughter-in-law lost a dear friend of their's last week. He was too young and leaves behind a young daughter and a devastated family and friends. Motorcycle riders...don't drink and ride...and for the love of everything holy wear your helmets!!!
And finally...the other lesson of this past week...hot flashes are annoying, but they don't last and I can live with them. And then I found out we're not changing my hormones, we're decreasing them....so I don't have to try to live with them for another year. Maybe that's the metaphor for my life right now. Nothing lasts and I can live with it.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
One of Those Days
Okay, actually, one of those weeks. Nothing bad has happened to me. My family are all healthy and compared to others our problems are small. I've tried really hard to be grateful for that and remember that compared to others we have it made. My finances aren't great right now. My car is about to be repossessed and the husband and I are going to have to carpool. But all in all, we have no reason to complain.
Which leads me to today. I find out this morning that one of my step-sons best friends was killed in a motorcycle accident. I only met him a few times and don't feel the loss like everyone else does, but the fact that it's hurting my family kills me. I'm all about the support though. And I'll move heaven and earth to make sure that I do whatever my family needs. But I feel like we've dodged a bullet. And I know that there will be an end to that. I guess I'm just reminded again of the ebb and flow of life. I've had periods in my life where I was going to a funeral every time I turned around. I've had periods like now where I'm celebrating a baby's birth every time I turn around. (No complaints there.) It's all part of life. And I know the days of being in hospitals and funeral homes is coming again. And today I'm grateful.
Then Oklahoma up and has an earthquake. Really? An earthquake. In Okla-freaking-homa. Wow. So I'm wondering...what's next. Frogs, locusts, boils?
And then I see the miners in Chile getting rescued and I realize that good things still happen in spite of what is in front of us so often.
God is in His heaven and the world is in His hands. And I'm reminded of the analogy of life being like a jigsaw puzzle. Each day we get a new piece and some days they fit together somewhere and other days you look at it going WTH??? and other days you just think...okay, it's just like all the others. And God is the only one who can see the top of the box to see what it's going to look like in the end.
Which leads me to today. I find out this morning that one of my step-sons best friends was killed in a motorcycle accident. I only met him a few times and don't feel the loss like everyone else does, but the fact that it's hurting my family kills me. I'm all about the support though. And I'll move heaven and earth to make sure that I do whatever my family needs. But I feel like we've dodged a bullet. And I know that there will be an end to that. I guess I'm just reminded again of the ebb and flow of life. I've had periods in my life where I was going to a funeral every time I turned around. I've had periods like now where I'm celebrating a baby's birth every time I turn around. (No complaints there.) It's all part of life. And I know the days of being in hospitals and funeral homes is coming again. And today I'm grateful.
Then Oklahoma up and has an earthquake. Really? An earthquake. In Okla-freaking-homa. Wow. So I'm wondering...what's next. Frogs, locusts, boils?
And then I see the miners in Chile getting rescued and I realize that good things still happen in spite of what is in front of us so often.
God is in His heaven and the world is in His hands. And I'm reminded of the analogy of life being like a jigsaw puzzle. Each day we get a new piece and some days they fit together somewhere and other days you look at it going WTH??? and other days you just think...okay, it's just like all the others. And God is the only one who can see the top of the box to see what it's going to look like in the end.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Survivor of Congenital Heart Defects
I have tons of experience telling my story about recovery from addiction, but this will be the first time I've ever told my heart survival story. Most of the time people see my scar and ask and I give a short, well-rehearsed speech about how I've had 3 open-heart surgeries because I was born with an underdeveloped heart and I'm in pretty good shape these days and by the time I need another open-heart then by that age all my friends will be having them.
Really...that doesn't cover it....at all. But who really wants to hear about the heart caths, the postponing of the first surgery, the growing up and not being able to keep up, the making of the decision not to try to have kids, the third surgery and all the fun since then?
Like my story about my recovery...a lot of this is second-hand. I mean, come on, how can I possibly remember having my first heart cath at 4 months old? I was a blue baby, but it wasn't until I was 4 months that they had to do a heart cath and found out about my Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Stenosis. Or in my world today TOF. My mom used to tell the story about me standing up in my crib and screaming at the top of my lungs while they took me away. The doctor told her I had a strong spirit and would eventually be fine. Or as I like to refer to now...I'm too mean to give up anytime soon.
My parents then had the dreaded talk with the doctors with the surgeons on one side and the regular docs on the other with the surgeons saying "YOU MUST OPERATE NOW!!" and the docs saying "YOU MUST GIVE HER A FEW YEARS!!" I can't even imagine. They elected to wait because a funny thing happened. There's an artery in babies that go up into their neck and then when you're born or close to being born it goes away. Mine stayed. So I had a little by-pass that kept me going.
Now, I still had no air and I still passed out and ended up at the ER a lot. But I grew and became your average sized five year old and they started making plans for the first surgery. Only I got some weird blood disorder which postponed it a few times. The last time I was already in the hospital ready to go and they decided to wait. Apparently having surgery postponed at the last minute is just as annoying for a five year old because I threw another colossal fit. (hmmm...pattern?) But they finally did it a few weeks later. All I remember from number 1 was that the hospital was being completely re-done so I had to sleep in a crib in the baby ward. And my mom had brought me some bubble gum flavored toothpaste.
The story from the first one was my grandma called to check on me the day I got out of ICU and my mom said "I can't talk - she's gone" and hung up on her. Grandma heard "Gone" as "Passed Away" and freaked out. Mom meant "Gone" as "Disappeared" and hung up to go find me playing in the play room. (Children's hospitals rock!)
My second one was my 12 hour one. I was 8. My first conscious thought was "Why are you poking me? I'm sleeping really well!" But 12 hours on the heart-lung machine are bad news for brain function so they were doing neurological testing. I remember hating the oxygen mask...which carries through to today but I like it better than the stupid canula. Just saying.
Then that was it for awhile. I got older, stopped having to go to the doctor every 6 months, struggled through sports, got a waiver to keep me out of PE. Then hit 18 and became active enough with boys that we had to make the decision about birth control. The general consensus was NOT a good idea so at 18 got my tubes tied. Through all this I got a lot of cases of bronchitis and my senior year my lung collapsed twice. Two years later we found out that I really needed some repairs to my heart.
Which led to surgery number 3. Here's where it gets crazy. The key to surviving open-heart surgery is your blood has to clot. Alcohol thins the blood. I managed to get drunk two days before the surgery. I knew going in to the deal that I had seriously screwed up my chances of survival. Before the meds kicked in I thought "Okay, God, here's the deal. Either I live and there's a reason for me to be here or I'll see you soon." My next conscious thought was "I could take a deep breath if you'd take this stupid tube out of my throat." and then I threw up. This was in ICU a couple days later. And I'm typing this, so, I guess we can all agree I made it.
Since then, the hearts been doing pretty good. I'm on a schedule with my doc, pop in and say high in the spring, have an echo and a holter monitor in the winter. Go over the fact that I'm not exercising enough. And re-schedule for the next time. A couple of years ago we discovered I've sprung another leak. But it's not bad enough to be serious and in need of repair any time soon. Yay!! Although, I'm sure the day is coming and since I'm on the verge of 40...which is a whole other post....I will be at the age when all my friends are having one.
And to the doctors who told my parents that if I didn't have the surgery right then I would be dead by the time I was three. You....were....wrong!!! Never underestimate the power of a hard-headed baby and parents willing to do whatever it took to keep her here.
Really...that doesn't cover it....at all. But who really wants to hear about the heart caths, the postponing of the first surgery, the growing up and not being able to keep up, the making of the decision not to try to have kids, the third surgery and all the fun since then?
Like my story about my recovery...a lot of this is second-hand. I mean, come on, how can I possibly remember having my first heart cath at 4 months old? I was a blue baby, but it wasn't until I was 4 months that they had to do a heart cath and found out about my Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Stenosis. Or in my world today TOF. My mom used to tell the story about me standing up in my crib and screaming at the top of my lungs while they took me away. The doctor told her I had a strong spirit and would eventually be fine. Or as I like to refer to now...I'm too mean to give up anytime soon.
My parents then had the dreaded talk with the doctors with the surgeons on one side and the regular docs on the other with the surgeons saying "YOU MUST OPERATE NOW!!" and the docs saying "YOU MUST GIVE HER A FEW YEARS!!" I can't even imagine. They elected to wait because a funny thing happened. There's an artery in babies that go up into their neck and then when you're born or close to being born it goes away. Mine stayed. So I had a little by-pass that kept me going.
Now, I still had no air and I still passed out and ended up at the ER a lot. But I grew and became your average sized five year old and they started making plans for the first surgery. Only I got some weird blood disorder which postponed it a few times. The last time I was already in the hospital ready to go and they decided to wait. Apparently having surgery postponed at the last minute is just as annoying for a five year old because I threw another colossal fit. (hmmm...pattern?) But they finally did it a few weeks later. All I remember from number 1 was that the hospital was being completely re-done so I had to sleep in a crib in the baby ward. And my mom had brought me some bubble gum flavored toothpaste.
The story from the first one was my grandma called to check on me the day I got out of ICU and my mom said "I can't talk - she's gone" and hung up on her. Grandma heard "Gone" as "Passed Away" and freaked out. Mom meant "Gone" as "Disappeared" and hung up to go find me playing in the play room. (Children's hospitals rock!)
My second one was my 12 hour one. I was 8. My first conscious thought was "Why are you poking me? I'm sleeping really well!" But 12 hours on the heart-lung machine are bad news for brain function so they were doing neurological testing. I remember hating the oxygen mask...which carries through to today but I like it better than the stupid canula. Just saying.
Then that was it for awhile. I got older, stopped having to go to the doctor every 6 months, struggled through sports, got a waiver to keep me out of PE. Then hit 18 and became active enough with boys that we had to make the decision about birth control. The general consensus was NOT a good idea so at 18 got my tubes tied. Through all this I got a lot of cases of bronchitis and my senior year my lung collapsed twice. Two years later we found out that I really needed some repairs to my heart.
Which led to surgery number 3. Here's where it gets crazy. The key to surviving open-heart surgery is your blood has to clot. Alcohol thins the blood. I managed to get drunk two days before the surgery. I knew going in to the deal that I had seriously screwed up my chances of survival. Before the meds kicked in I thought "Okay, God, here's the deal. Either I live and there's a reason for me to be here or I'll see you soon." My next conscious thought was "I could take a deep breath if you'd take this stupid tube out of my throat." and then I threw up. This was in ICU a couple days later. And I'm typing this, so, I guess we can all agree I made it.
Since then, the hearts been doing pretty good. I'm on a schedule with my doc, pop in and say high in the spring, have an echo and a holter monitor in the winter. Go over the fact that I'm not exercising enough. And re-schedule for the next time. A couple of years ago we discovered I've sprung another leak. But it's not bad enough to be serious and in need of repair any time soon. Yay!! Although, I'm sure the day is coming and since I'm on the verge of 40...which is a whole other post....I will be at the age when all my friends are having one.
And to the doctors who told my parents that if I didn't have the surgery right then I would be dead by the time I was three. You....were....wrong!!! Never underestimate the power of a hard-headed baby and parents willing to do whatever it took to keep her here.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
A "Not Heavy" Post or 68 Things You Might Not Care About
I realize that all of my posts so far have been pretty "heavy"...death, migraines, parental history. So I thought I would do one of those cheesy meme's that people send around and expect you to answer only it's the same people all the time so they know your answers by heart and you know their answers by heart. I found one that isn't the same old same old, so maybe you can learn some things about me from this. Or not. But it could be fun.
1) Do you still talk to the person you had your first kiss with? No, but I visited with his mom at a reunion a couple of years ago. He's doing well.
2) What would you do with 1,000 plastic spoons? Move them from one place to another in my kitchen over and over again until my husband got irritated and threw them away. (Yes, I'm a pack rat.)
3) What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school? Mom played Fleetwood Mac over and over again, but I'd sneak in and listen to Buddy Holly and Linda Rondstadt on 8 Track. (Holy mackerel I'm old!!)
4) What is the best thing about your job? Being able to communicate in American Sign Language- very cool.
5) Do you wish cell phone etiquette was required in class? I wish it was required everywhere.
6) Where are you going on your next vacation? Well, since we have two babies coming in the next few months I imagine I'm going to Waco and Edmond for baby showers...
7) Quote a song lyric. "Ask anybody I'm a pretty good guy and the looks decent wagon didn't pass me by"
8) Are most of the friends in your life new or old? New. I have some old friends on Facebook, but the people I'm closes to are the newer ones.
9) Do you own any furniture from IKEA? No.
10) If you could be an animal what would you be? Koala bear
11) What state/country are you from? Born in Arkansas, raised in Oklahoma, lived most of my life in Texas.
12) Tell us about the last conversation(s) you had? With the daughter-in-law about a work situation of hers.
13) Where do you see yourself in one month? 5 lbs. lighter and getting ready for the holidays.
14) What is your favorite smell? Vanilla, my husband after a shower...I love his soap.
15) What is your favorite sight? My grandkids, my nieces and nephews, deer running around my house
16) Do you consider yourself bipolar? Sometimes I need a score card to keep up with mood swings so probably.
17) Have you ever done anything vindictive to your co-workers? No.
18) Have you ever gone to therapy? Several times. Saved my life. Would do it again if necessary.
19) Have you ever played Spin the Bottle? Nope
20) Have you ever toilet-papered someones house? Once, in junior high
21) Have you ever liked someone but never told them? Not since high school
22) Have you ever gone camping? Years ago. I liked it, but haven't had opportunity in years.
23) Have you ever been to a nude beach? Nope
24) Have you ever had sex on the beach? The drink or the act? Drink - yes, act - no.
25) Have you ever had a stalker? Yes and now we're Facebook friends. Weird, no?
26) Have you ever laughed so hard you cried? Many times.
27) Have you ever gone to a party where you were the only sober one? Since I've been sober for over 15 years, I've been to several. Most recently a couple of weeks ago.
28) Have you ever been cheated on? Yes. Not a pleasant experience
29) Have you ever felt betrayed by your best friend? Yes but its been awhile.
30) Have you ever lied to your parents? Well, yeah. They didn't need to know EVERY thing.
31) Have you ever been out of the US? I've been to Ciudad Acuna a few times.
32) Have you ever thrown up from working out? Not since the 5th grade.
33) Have you ever gotten a haircut so bad you wore a hat for a month straight? Thank goodness, no!!
34) Have you ever eaten 3 meals from 3 different fast food places in one day? No. I try to get at least one meal at home.
35) Have you ever gotten so wasted you couldn't remember the night before? Yes, a few times, hence the sobriety date.
36) Have you ever spied on someone you had a crush on? Years and years ago.
37) Have you ever slept with one of your co-workers? Every night....the husband and I work together. And for the last year and a half I've been his secretary. Him and 14 other people, but still.
38) Have you ever kissed more than one person at a time? How would that even be possible?
39) Have you ever been searched by the cops? Nope
40) Do you close your eyes on a roller coaster? Well, no, that's half the fun!!
41) When's the last time you've been sledding? When we were kids and Perry fell off and hit the rock and broke it in half.
42) Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone? With my husband as long as he stays on his side of the bed...
43) Do you believe in ghosts? Nope.
44) Do you consider yourself creative? Not...at...all.
45) Do you think OJ killed his wife? Yep.
46) Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie? Neither..I'll take Brad Pitt. Just kidding...I'm on Team Aniston
47) Can you honestly say you know ANYTHING about politics? No, but I'm trying to educate myself.
48) Do you know how to play poker? On my phone...sure.
49) Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? There might have been a time or two in my younger years, but I like sleep too much.
50) What's your favorite commercial? The pothole commercial "Oh wait, I don't have a cell phone because I'm a pothole. Soooo... K bye!!"
51) Who was your first love? Mike Turner
52) If you're driving in the middle of the night, and no one is around, do you run a red light? No, because with my luck a cop will be close by where I can't see him.
53) Do you have a secret no one knows but you? Just one.
54) Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees? None of the above, I hate Major League Baseball. It's the sports equivalent of valium and a glass of wine for me...zzzzzzzzzz
55) Have you ever been ice skating? Yes, but it's been years. Would love to do it again.
56) How often do you remember your dreams? Most of the time.
57) What's the one thing on your mind? How many questions are on this goofy thing?
58) Do you always wear your seat belt? No, if it's dark and I'm not going far I won't. A habit I acquired from the little Mr.
59) What talent do you wish you had? Sewing, crocheting, drawing
60) Do you like sushi? Love it.
61) What do you wear to bed? Pajama bottoms and a t-shirt. My legs get cold no matter what the temp is.
62) Do you truly hate anyone? Only one person and I'm praying about it.
63) If you could sleep with one famous person who would it be? The Rock. Have you seen the muscles on that guy?
64) Do you know anyone in jail? Sort-of. We've only met a couple of times.
65) What food do you find disgusting? I can't get past the smell of rattlesnake. And I'll try anything once, but not that.
66) Have you ever made fun of your friends behind their back? I'm afraid so. Not one of my most favorite characteristics.
67) Have you ever been punched in the face? No.
68) Do you believe in angels and demons? Yes, but I don't believe they show themselves to anyone on earth.
Okay, if you're still with me, I promise not to do another one of these. At least until I find one that isn't the basic stuff again.
1) Do you still talk to the person you had your first kiss with? No, but I visited with his mom at a reunion a couple of years ago. He's doing well.
2) What would you do with 1,000 plastic spoons? Move them from one place to another in my kitchen over and over again until my husband got irritated and threw them away. (Yes, I'm a pack rat.)
3) What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school? Mom played Fleetwood Mac over and over again, but I'd sneak in and listen to Buddy Holly and Linda Rondstadt on 8 Track. (Holy mackerel I'm old!!)
4) What is the best thing about your job? Being able to communicate in American Sign Language- very cool.
5) Do you wish cell phone etiquette was required in class? I wish it was required everywhere.
6) Where are you going on your next vacation? Well, since we have two babies coming in the next few months I imagine I'm going to Waco and Edmond for baby showers...
7) Quote a song lyric. "Ask anybody I'm a pretty good guy and the looks decent wagon didn't pass me by"
8) Are most of the friends in your life new or old? New. I have some old friends on Facebook, but the people I'm closes to are the newer ones.
9) Do you own any furniture from IKEA? No.
10) If you could be an animal what would you be? Koala bear
11) What state/country are you from? Born in Arkansas, raised in Oklahoma, lived most of my life in Texas.
12) Tell us about the last conversation(s) you had? With the daughter-in-law about a work situation of hers.
13) Where do you see yourself in one month? 5 lbs. lighter and getting ready for the holidays.
14) What is your favorite smell? Vanilla, my husband after a shower...I love his soap.
15) What is your favorite sight? My grandkids, my nieces and nephews, deer running around my house
16) Do you consider yourself bipolar? Sometimes I need a score card to keep up with mood swings so probably.
17) Have you ever done anything vindictive to your co-workers? No.
18) Have you ever gone to therapy? Several times. Saved my life. Would do it again if necessary.
19) Have you ever played Spin the Bottle? Nope
20) Have you ever toilet-papered someones house? Once, in junior high
21) Have you ever liked someone but never told them? Not since high school
22) Have you ever gone camping? Years ago. I liked it, but haven't had opportunity in years.
23) Have you ever been to a nude beach? Nope
24) Have you ever had sex on the beach? The drink or the act? Drink - yes, act - no.
25) Have you ever had a stalker? Yes and now we're Facebook friends. Weird, no?
26) Have you ever laughed so hard you cried? Many times.
27) Have you ever gone to a party where you were the only sober one? Since I've been sober for over 15 years, I've been to several. Most recently a couple of weeks ago.
28) Have you ever been cheated on? Yes. Not a pleasant experience
29) Have you ever felt betrayed by your best friend? Yes but its been awhile.
30) Have you ever lied to your parents? Well, yeah. They didn't need to know EVERY thing.
31) Have you ever been out of the US? I've been to Ciudad Acuna a few times.
32) Have you ever thrown up from working out? Not since the 5th grade.
33) Have you ever gotten a haircut so bad you wore a hat for a month straight? Thank goodness, no!!
34) Have you ever eaten 3 meals from 3 different fast food places in one day? No. I try to get at least one meal at home.
35) Have you ever gotten so wasted you couldn't remember the night before? Yes, a few times, hence the sobriety date.
36) Have you ever spied on someone you had a crush on? Years and years ago.
37) Have you ever slept with one of your co-workers? Every night....the husband and I work together. And for the last year and a half I've been his secretary. Him and 14 other people, but still.
38) Have you ever kissed more than one person at a time? How would that even be possible?
39) Have you ever been searched by the cops? Nope
40) Do you close your eyes on a roller coaster? Well, no, that's half the fun!!
41) When's the last time you've been sledding? When we were kids and Perry fell off and hit the rock and broke it in half.
42) Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone? With my husband as long as he stays on his side of the bed...
43) Do you believe in ghosts? Nope.
44) Do you consider yourself creative? Not...at...all.
45) Do you think OJ killed his wife? Yep.
46) Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie? Neither..I'll take Brad Pitt. Just kidding...I'm on Team Aniston
47) Can you honestly say you know ANYTHING about politics? No, but I'm trying to educate myself.
48) Do you know how to play poker? On my phone...sure.
49) Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? There might have been a time or two in my younger years, but I like sleep too much.
50) What's your favorite commercial? The pothole commercial "Oh wait, I don't have a cell phone because I'm a pothole. Soooo... K bye!!"
51) Who was your first love? Mike Turner
52) If you're driving in the middle of the night, and no one is around, do you run a red light? No, because with my luck a cop will be close by where I can't see him.
53) Do you have a secret no one knows but you? Just one.
54) Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees? None of the above, I hate Major League Baseball. It's the sports equivalent of valium and a glass of wine for me...zzzzzzzzzz
55) Have you ever been ice skating? Yes, but it's been years. Would love to do it again.
56) How often do you remember your dreams? Most of the time.
57) What's the one thing on your mind? How many questions are on this goofy thing?
58) Do you always wear your seat belt? No, if it's dark and I'm not going far I won't. A habit I acquired from the little Mr.
59) What talent do you wish you had? Sewing, crocheting, drawing
60) Do you like sushi? Love it.
61) What do you wear to bed? Pajama bottoms and a t-shirt. My legs get cold no matter what the temp is.
62) Do you truly hate anyone? Only one person and I'm praying about it.
63) If you could sleep with one famous person who would it be? The Rock. Have you seen the muscles on that guy?
64) Do you know anyone in jail? Sort-of. We've only met a couple of times.
65) What food do you find disgusting? I can't get past the smell of rattlesnake. And I'll try anything once, but not that.
66) Have you ever made fun of your friends behind their back? I'm afraid so. Not one of my most favorite characteristics.
67) Have you ever been punched in the face? No.
68) Do you believe in angels and demons? Yes, but I don't believe they show themselves to anyone on earth.
Okay, if you're still with me, I promise not to do another one of these. At least until I find one that isn't the basic stuff again.
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