Thursday, February 3, 2011

Water, Snow, Death....and Awesomeness

It has been one heck of a week. 

Starting last Thursday, we've had issues with water.  I go home and get ready to wash my dirty dishes....and it seemed like it was every dish in my house that was dirty.  I turn on the water and...nothing.  No water.  We live in the country and we have a well.  Earlier that day I was bragging about how much I love having a well.  The water is so much better than city water.  It's just a wonderful thing to have. I'm bragging no more.  The darling husband got a part to try to fix it on Friday, got it installed and water.  We spent the entire week-end going to my step-sons house to take baths and do laundry.  I should have some pretty awesome muscles from hauling 5 and 6 gallon water jugs around.  I even got to look really tough and wash dishes by boiling water.  But by Monday, I was over it.  Luckily, our well was fixed by Monday morning. 

Because Monday ushered in the great snow storm of 2011 bringing with it multiple days of sub-freezing temperatures.  I live in West Texas.  Winter is several months of 50-60 degree weather with a couple of hours of snow thrown in every once in awhile.  The old saying is if you don't like the weather in West Texas wait five minutes and it'll change.  So, um, it's been 5 minutes.  You can change now.  Monday night I went to the grocery store and got what we needed to be hunkered down and not leave the house for several days, because surely the school would close.  I brought the dog and her 2 day old puppies in the house, we wrapped faucets, etc.  We were READY.  Until I got up the next morning because we were only on a 2 hour delay because of the snow, took a shower, got conditioner in my hair and then the pipes froze.  I had already had 5 days of no water, I had conditioner in my hair and I thought I had to be at work in an hour.  Cue the hysterics.  Poor hubby, he thought I had lost my mind.  Then it was several hours of running around in a knit cap trying to get water back on.  Thank goodness school was canceled.  Unfortunately, it wasn't canceled yesterday or today.  The water has been back on for the most part and my hair is now super soft.  But I am so stinkin' ready for the temps to go above freezing.  The high has been 17 the last couple of days.  17 isn't a temperature, it's the age you get to see R rated movies.  And oh, by the way, people who live in colder climates are absolutely insane.  Just saying.

I got introduced to a new migraine trigger...extreme cold. 

Now the hard part.  When I moved here, I started seeing the chiropractor that my husband has known for years.  Wonderful man, crazy sense of humor, devoted to Christ, mission worker, loved by everyone he ever met and loved everyone he ever met.  He's been battling cancer for awhile now.  It was announced last week that he was finished battling and was just going to let it take it's course.  The battle officially ended yesterday.  My tears are pure selfishness.  He's home.  And it was a joyous occasion in heaven when he arrived and started giving the angels a hard time.  I guarantee they haven't stopped laughing since he got there.  Then I got a call from my step-dad.  Actually, since he and my mom divorced, she married someone else, then passed away and he married someone else, he's probably no longer technically my step-dad, but he's still my family.  His brother passed away last week-end.  Holy freaking crap people.  Two in one day???  That's a little much, don't you think?  He lived with my mom and step-dad for several years and he and my mom were partners in crime.  She was there to welcome him and I'm sure they're having a great time now.  Again, my tears are pure selfishness.  He's home, too.  And he missed my mom terribly.  With two funerals to attend this week-end, I'm predicting a difficult one.  But it'll be okay.

Now the awesomeness.  I've been out of touch with my baby brother for quite some time.  There's been some peripheral contact through his wife on Facebook, but when I tried to get a number, my timing was way off.  It was in the middle of her sister getting married and I think my message got lost in the shuffle.  Anyway, he and my step-dad keep in contact and while talking to my step-dad I got his phone numbers.  So now my two brothers and I are all back in touch again.  My heart hurts without them.  I've been doing a happy dance since yesterday. 

Life is never all good, and it's never all bad, but it's always all there. 

Oh and if anybody wants a blue heeler/neighborhood black dog mix puppy, I have six.  One of them is named Emo, because he's always doing exactly the opposite of his brothers and sisters and is crying all the time.

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