One thing I've learned over the years is that life is never all good and it's never all bad. Some times are better than others and some are worse than others, but neither lasts forever. Also, if you pay attention, no matter how bad things are you can always find something good somewhere. Conversely, if you're the type, no matter how good things are you can always find something bad somewhere. In my experience, the really good times are easy. (Thank you, Captain Obvious) I also have an easier time dealing with life when it's bad, bad, bad. Not to say it isn't hard, but thanks to the Bible, AA and Al-Anon, I've got tools. And when life is bad, I get out those tools. And I use them. I'm in church, I'm in meetings, I'm in the Bible, I'm in prayer, I'm in my Big Book, I'm working the steps, the 3rd, 7th and 11th step prayers are on my mind constantly. I'm praying for guidance, I'm looking for the lesson, I'm asking for help. I work my butt off to get to the other side.
Then there's the some good, some bad times. Where I've got some good things going on and I've got some bad things going on, but not one more than the other. Because what usually seems to happen is I find out that someone's been boiling frogs and I'm the frog.
Explanation - if you're going to boil a live frog and you throw him in boiling water, he's just going to jump out. But if you put him in a pot of cool water and slowly turn up the heat, he'll adjust with the water until he's boiled to death. (I seriously don't want to know how this was first discovered. Just work with me people.)
Well, I'm the frog again.
I have some super amazing things going on in my life. I have not one, but two new babies coming into the family in a matter of weeks. I just turned 40 which was a miracle and was seriously spoiled by friends and family. I just got to spend the week-end with family I haven't seen in decades. I just got to spend Spring Break with two of my granddaughters. And my husband and I are in a really good place in our marriage right now.
However, it has occurred to me that there's some bad stuff going on too. I've spent a lot of time lately waiting for the other shoe to drop in two major areas. Areas that I've had some experience in the past and so they're producing a lot of fear.
#1 - last year we got a lot of rain. One of the wettest years in a long time. It was wonderful. The grass grew tall and pretty. This year. No rain. In months. Driest March on record. That tall pretty grass is now called fuel. Grass fires are everywhere. No rain in the forecast. High temps, low humidity and high winds - the triad of grass fires - are in the forecast. So far there have been no grass fires in our area. That will change. If we don't get rain, that will change. Three years ago, we had one close to our house. One of the scariest experiences of my life. And another one in town affecting a lot of people I know. So I have been rather obsessively watching the weather reports, news of fires, watching the skies for smoke. If someone is barbecuing, I panic. I start freaking out and looking around for smoke plumes. The husband does the same thing. We talk about it A LOT. I didn't realize just how much it consumes my time until the other day.
#2 - There have been some major budget cuts at work. There will be more. How bad will depend on the state legislature. There will be layoffs. I don't know if I will be one of them. The husband and I work at the same place. I don't know if he will be one of them. People I know and care about may be getting laid off. Best case scenario is we keep our jobs, but the work has to be done so it gets doubled/tripled and still has to be done in 40 hours. I don't even want to think about worst case scenario. I've been there. It's not fun. We live in a small town. I have no idea what we'll do. The thing is, we won't know anything really and truly definite until around July. We keep getting updates. It's all we talk about around here. My boss is stressed out and I've been his sounding board (not complaining, just a fact). The husband and I talk about it ad nauseum. Who will it be? What can they cut? What are they going to do? What are we going to do?
Not much I can do about either one except realize that the water has been getting turned up without me really paying attention to it and all those tools I listed are still available to me as long as I pick them up and use them. I don't have the power to turn the water back down but I do have the power to keep from getting boiled alive.
Acts 17:27-28 (NIV) God did this so that they would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from any one of us. For in Him we live and move and have our being.
Philippians 4:6 (NIV) Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
A blog about the fruit basket turnover that is my life. I'm a hodgepodge of a lot of things and really just want to start writing something again.

Thursday, April 14, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
I love spring. It's one of my two favorite seasons. Fall being the other. But it is a crazy time of year for me. So crazy that I have 150 bazillion ideas for blog posts, but no time to actually do them and they're all heavy ideas. And I just don't wanna go there right now.
So instead I'm borrowing from Twitter's 100 facts about me thing and I'm gonna share 20 facts about me. Cause let's face it. Are there really 100 facts about me? Really? Or if I do 100 maybe I'll split them up in 5 weekly posts or something. So...
1) my favorite color is purple, but I'm not one of those 'my whole world has to be purple' people. I own a LOT of pink and brown.
2) I look like little miss innocent, so I've shocked people all my life with different facts about me and I enjoy the heck out of that. I love the look on people's faces when I tell them something and they're all "Really? You?"
3) On my iPod is everything from Metallica to The Eagles to Nelly to Lady Gaga to Brooks and Dunn.
4) I watched professional wrestling from junior high up until a few years ago. Yes I KNOW it's fake. Not what I watch it for....
5) I was 39 years old before I realized I hate sloppy joes.
6) I once got an A- on a paper in high school when I should have gotten an F because the paper was so good she couldn't fail me just for a fragmented sentence. She chalked it up to artistic license.
7) This is the longest I've gone in years without completely chopping my hair off. I let it grow and grow and then get sick of it and want to chop it off. So far I'm good with it being long.
8) I don't like video games where I have to interact with people. Just leave me alone with my spider solitaire and it'll all be ok.
9) The proverb that means the most to me is 'Trust in God, but lock your car.' That may be it's own blog post at some point...
10) I have a tattoo. I have at least one more planned that has a lot of meaning to me. I figured I would be a "one and done" person, but no. I get the addiction.
11) I absolutely love NASCAR. I follow it just a little obsessively. There are more drivers I like than I don't like and Twitter has made me a complete Jimmie Johnson convert.
12) I can only buy one box of Peeps at a time because I could (and would) eat my weight in them.
13) I hate washing dishes, doing laundry and ironing, but I absolutely love the result.
14) I worked as a car hop in high school and no I did not wear rollerskates.
15) Professional football, basketball and baseball annoy/bore the heck out of me. I love college football, basketball and softball, but I haven't really been able to get into college baseball. Baseball only really interests me if I have a player in the game. (I love me some t-ball. That age is so stinkin' cute!)
16) I have rules about college sports. If it's not in the Big 12 I'm not going to pay a lot of attention unless they're playing a Big 12 team. #1 Team - Oklahoma State. Always cheer over an Oklahoma team above any other. No OK team, always cheer for the Texas team. Texas teams playing each other, it's Texas Tech, Texas, Baylor and A & M in that order. (Except for this year because the Aggie qb is from my town.)
17) Give me a cherry vanilla Dr. Pepper and I'll forgive anything.
18) I'm all about the acronym shows. NCIS, NCIS - LA, CSI whatever, and then Criminal Minds because they're too cool for an acronym. Especially NCIS and CM. Seriously. Syndication just feeds my addiction. And then throw in Sons of Anarchy and Justified for good measure. (I've gotta have some bad boys in the mix.)
19) I blame Fonzie and Vinnie Barbarino for my "bad boys in motorcycle jackets" thing.
I may have to do 100. Just not now. Maybe an every couple of weeks thing.
So instead I'm borrowing from Twitter's 100 facts about me thing and I'm gonna share 20 facts about me. Cause let's face it. Are there really 100 facts about me? Really? Or if I do 100 maybe I'll split them up in 5 weekly posts or something. So...
1) my favorite color is purple, but I'm not one of those 'my whole world has to be purple' people. I own a LOT of pink and brown.
2) I look like little miss innocent, so I've shocked people all my life with different facts about me and I enjoy the heck out of that. I love the look on people's faces when I tell them something and they're all "Really? You?"
3) On my iPod is everything from Metallica to The Eagles to Nelly to Lady Gaga to Brooks and Dunn.
4) I watched professional wrestling from junior high up until a few years ago. Yes I KNOW it's fake. Not what I watch it for....
5) I was 39 years old before I realized I hate sloppy joes.
6) I once got an A- on a paper in high school when I should have gotten an F because the paper was so good she couldn't fail me just for a fragmented sentence. She chalked it up to artistic license.
7) This is the longest I've gone in years without completely chopping my hair off. I let it grow and grow and then get sick of it and want to chop it off. So far I'm good with it being long.
8) I don't like video games where I have to interact with people. Just leave me alone with my spider solitaire and it'll all be ok.
9) The proverb that means the most to me is 'Trust in God, but lock your car.' That may be it's own blog post at some point...
10) I have a tattoo. I have at least one more planned that has a lot of meaning to me. I figured I would be a "one and done" person, but no. I get the addiction.
11) I absolutely love NASCAR. I follow it just a little obsessively. There are more drivers I like than I don't like and Twitter has made me a complete Jimmie Johnson convert.
12) I can only buy one box of Peeps at a time because I could (and would) eat my weight in them.
13) I hate washing dishes, doing laundry and ironing, but I absolutely love the result.
14) I worked as a car hop in high school and no I did not wear rollerskates.
15) Professional football, basketball and baseball annoy/bore the heck out of me. I love college football, basketball and softball, but I haven't really been able to get into college baseball. Baseball only really interests me if I have a player in the game. (I love me some t-ball. That age is so stinkin' cute!)
16) I have rules about college sports. If it's not in the Big 12 I'm not going to pay a lot of attention unless they're playing a Big 12 team. #1 Team - Oklahoma State. Always cheer over an Oklahoma team above any other. No OK team, always cheer for the Texas team. Texas teams playing each other, it's Texas Tech, Texas, Baylor and A & M in that order. (Except for this year because the Aggie qb is from my town.)
17) Give me a cherry vanilla Dr. Pepper and I'll forgive anything.
18) I'm all about the acronym shows. NCIS, NCIS - LA, CSI whatever, and then Criminal Minds because they're too cool for an acronym. Especially NCIS and CM. Seriously. Syndication just feeds my addiction. And then throw in Sons of Anarchy and Justified for good measure. (I've gotta have some bad boys in the mix.)
19) I blame Fonzie and Vinnie Barbarino for my "bad boys in motorcycle jackets" thing.
I may have to do 100. Just not now. Maybe an every couple of weeks thing.
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