I work at a community college. I love it. For one, my students are deaf so I get the added advantage of being able to use two languages and I get inspired on a daily basis because I see these kids do things that I can't accomplish with regular hearing. I also love the cycles we go through. Fall semester, spring semester, summer. Beginning of the semester, middle of the semester, end of semester. New Student Orientation and Graduation. Fall semester and spring semester are completely different with different events and different objectives. And I love what I do here. I love being a secretary. I work with faculty and although I joke about the "children" and the "students" it's really a pretty good gig. It weirds me out sometimes that I'm a "school secretary", but most of the time I'm okay with it.
The first two weeks of any semester are crazy. And for me it starts two weeks before the semester starts because we have meetings and registration and paperwork and faculty coming back from being off for a month and paperwork and more meetings and schedule changes and oh, by the way, did I mention PAPERWORK!!
But this semester has been absolutely, positively, certifiably insane. We had a water main burst in a building. We've had a flu/upper respiratory/bronchitis/pneumonia epidemic that hasn't even hit the student population yet. We're looking at severe budget cuts thanks to the state being billions of dollars in debt. And there's been all this random stuff happening that's making me a little nuts.
So my little blog has been severely neglected. My other blog has been super-severely neglected. And oh by the way...exercising...not happened at all this week so I'm super frustrated there.
All in all...wow. Just...wow.
Is it too early to start counting the days till Spring Break???
A blog about the fruit basket turnover that is my life. I'm a hodgepodge of a lot of things and really just want to start writing something again.

Thursday, January 27, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Fruit Basket Turnover Week
All is quiet on the blog front because my week month has been craziness. It's that time of the semester and work and this semester seems to be superextraseriously crazy. Craziness+insanity+hysteria+weirdness=my life right now. It's not necessarily anything bad, just nuts.
It should be over soon.
My job is a lot of fun. It's a lot of work. It's time for things to settle down. But so far this is one of THOSE semesters. Kind-of like that neighbor that you kind-of like but when you're around them they're unspeakably rude, very hard to understand and WON'T GO AWAY!!! I think we're going to be craziness personified until May 13, 2011. A significant day worthy of it's own blog post.
Lessons of the week:
#1 - Stupid people don't get less stupid - if anything they find whole new ways to be stupid.
#2 - I am in a really, really, really good place in my life no matter what the scale, my migraines, or my feelings tell me. The little Mr. and I are sitting pretty and I need to get good and grateful NOW.
#3 - I'm a big ol' baby who gets her feelings hurt over nothing. I obsessed for 24 hours over....coffee. Wow. That was 24 hours well spent.
#4 - When I get out of my own way, God takes really good care of me. When I get in my own way I am train wreck city.
So yeah, I'm all over the map on this one because I am all over the map in my life, feelings, thinking, etc. I did start a journal to really get a grip on myself. If I'm doing the things I'm not supposed to be doing and I'm not doing the things I'm supposed to be doing....I'm in the wrong spot.
It should be over soon.
My job is a lot of fun. It's a lot of work. It's time for things to settle down. But so far this is one of THOSE semesters. Kind-of like that neighbor that you kind-of like but when you're around them they're unspeakably rude, very hard to understand and WON'T GO AWAY!!! I think we're going to be craziness personified until May 13, 2011. A significant day worthy of it's own blog post.
Lessons of the week:
#1 - Stupid people don't get less stupid - if anything they find whole new ways to be stupid.
#2 - I am in a really, really, really good place in my life no matter what the scale, my migraines, or my feelings tell me. The little Mr. and I are sitting pretty and I need to get good and grateful NOW.
#3 - I'm a big ol' baby who gets her feelings hurt over nothing. I obsessed for 24 hours over....coffee. Wow. That was 24 hours well spent.
#4 - When I get out of my own way, God takes really good care of me. When I get in my own way I am train wreck city.
So yeah, I'm all over the map on this one because I am all over the map in my life, feelings, thinking, etc. I did start a journal to really get a grip on myself. If I'm doing the things I'm not supposed to be doing and I'm not doing the things I'm supposed to be doing....I'm in the wrong spot.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Happy Time
We all saw the commercials this past holiday season. "Peggy" the credit card service guy. Tells this woman she has like no money from points and then he says "Happy Time".
I love Peggy.
And all my ick, angst, meh from last week seems to have disappeared into "Happy Time".
The reasons, I think, are this....
My dryer broke last week. Okay, not life-threatening or anything. I mean, I already hang dry my husbands jeans and I could easily do that to his work shirts. I could go to the laundromat and do the other two loads a week of laundry I have (It's just me and the little mister at home, we don't go through that many clothes). It's a do-able situation. Except money has been tight and I'm stressed about money anyway. I was envisioning hundreds of dollars to fix or that we'd need a new one. No telling when that would happen. But I wasn't figuring on my husband being like a dog with a bone. Every night after work he tried something on it, he cleaned it out, he took the heating unit to the repair place, he borrowed an electrical sensor thingy and tested everything. It was 5 days before it was all put back together and fixed...but...it...is...fixed!!!!!
Much more importantly than the whole dryer thing...we found out that my baby niece has congenital hip dysplasia and there was the potential for her to have surgery which would have ended up with her being in a body cast. Her doctors appointment was this week and she doesn't have to have surgery. She just has to go back in a year. Sweet.
I found out last week that I'm getting a niece in Oklahoma and a nephew in Texas. I collect nieces and nephews like most people collect sea shells and this will be niece # 4 and nephew number 6...oh and baby nephew already has a nickname. Thanks to his father's weirdness he is henceforth and forever..."SpidaMan". How could that not be a "Happy Time".
And finally, I spent Saturday watching my grandkids while my step-son and his girlfriend went to look for Hailey Dunn. I'm so sad about this missing little girl and it reminded me how lucky I am, once again, that all my family are fairly healthy and happy. We don't have any problems nearly that big today. We may tomorrow, but today....everything is alright.
So yeah, last week I was full of the sad, stressed, freaked out. This week...full of the happy.
I love Peggy.
And all my ick, angst, meh from last week seems to have disappeared into "Happy Time".
The reasons, I think, are this....
My dryer broke last week. Okay, not life-threatening or anything. I mean, I already hang dry my husbands jeans and I could easily do that to his work shirts. I could go to the laundromat and do the other two loads a week of laundry I have (It's just me and the little mister at home, we don't go through that many clothes). It's a do-able situation. Except money has been tight and I'm stressed about money anyway. I was envisioning hundreds of dollars to fix or that we'd need a new one. No telling when that would happen. But I wasn't figuring on my husband being like a dog with a bone. Every night after work he tried something on it, he cleaned it out, he took the heating unit to the repair place, he borrowed an electrical sensor thingy and tested everything. It was 5 days before it was all put back together and fixed...but...it...is...fixed!!!!!
Much more importantly than the whole dryer thing...we found out that my baby niece has congenital hip dysplasia and there was the potential for her to have surgery which would have ended up with her being in a body cast. Her doctors appointment was this week and she doesn't have to have surgery. She just has to go back in a year. Sweet.
I found out last week that I'm getting a niece in Oklahoma and a nephew in Texas. I collect nieces and nephews like most people collect sea shells and this will be niece # 4 and nephew number 6...oh and baby nephew already has a nickname. Thanks to his father's weirdness he is henceforth and forever..."SpidaMan". How could that not be a "Happy Time".
And finally, I spent Saturday watching my grandkids while my step-son and his girlfriend went to look for Hailey Dunn. I'm so sad about this missing little girl and it reminded me how lucky I am, once again, that all my family are fairly healthy and happy. We don't have any problems nearly that big today. We may tomorrow, but today....everything is alright.
So yeah, last week I was full of the sad, stressed, freaked out. This week...full of the happy.
Friday, January 7, 2011
End of 2010/Beginning of 2011
I haven't blogged since the middle of December and here it is the end of the first week in January. It seems like forever ago, but really...not.
My two weeks off from work were nice. Spent some time with family, chilled out, watched a lot of tv, got some exercise, watched some football, cooked, cleaned, the usual. Stressed out a lot. Which was stupid. It's all my fault, too. It's a long story, but it involved reading my electric bill wrong and thinking the electricity was going to be turned off any minute because I didn't have the money to pay it until the first. If I had gone back and re-read my electric bill, it would have saved me roughly 379 panic attacks. So my "chilling out" was seriously hampered the first week of my vacation.
I did not make NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS like I always do, but I set goals for where I wanted to be this time next year and by the end of January. Which means in my mind that I don't have to do them all RIGHT NOW, but I've recognized that they're all part of a process. And my goals for January aren't even things that all have to be done right this minute like every day in the month of January I'm going to eat my vegetables and work out for 2 hours a day. For example, one goal for January is that I'm going to take a room in my house each week-end and clean/re-organize/re-arrange. Which I like a whole lot better than "I AM GOING TO REORGANIZE MY WHOLE HOUSE!!!" Which is destined to fail because my whole house is a little overwhelming, but my bathroom during the week-end of January 7-9 doesn't leave me feeling all that freaked.
But still, when I was going through my calendars for 2011 I just had this feeling of "Ick" like I don't want to deal with 2011. No offense 2011, but for some reason I just don't like you. It's like when you meet a person and they seem alright but for some reason you just don't like them. I'm sure you're a perfectly nice year, but I'm not feeling it. Maybe it's because you're the year that's going to force me to turn 40. Maybe I just don't like the number 11. I don't know. But for some reason I was putting dates on my calendar and just kept thinking I just don't want to deal.
Part of my problem is that there have been several years where nothing really bad has happened. Maybe somewhere in the back of my mind is the thought that the other shoe has to drop eventually. I'm not really sure. I've just been kind of "meh" all week. But...I'm a Member of the Band over at Band Back Together and this is the year of "Bringing Back the Happy" over there. It's the Bringing Happy Back World Tour and I am going on it. I just didn't realize I was going to drag myself kicking and screaming and I'm really not sure why.
My two weeks off from work were nice. Spent some time with family, chilled out, watched a lot of tv, got some exercise, watched some football, cooked, cleaned, the usual. Stressed out a lot. Which was stupid. It's all my fault, too. It's a long story, but it involved reading my electric bill wrong and thinking the electricity was going to be turned off any minute because I didn't have the money to pay it until the first. If I had gone back and re-read my electric bill, it would have saved me roughly 379 panic attacks. So my "chilling out" was seriously hampered the first week of my vacation.
I did not make NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS like I always do, but I set goals for where I wanted to be this time next year and by the end of January. Which means in my mind that I don't have to do them all RIGHT NOW, but I've recognized that they're all part of a process. And my goals for January aren't even things that all have to be done right this minute like every day in the month of January I'm going to eat my vegetables and work out for 2 hours a day. For example, one goal for January is that I'm going to take a room in my house each week-end and clean/re-organize/re-arrange. Which I like a whole lot better than "I AM GOING TO REORGANIZE MY WHOLE HOUSE!!!" Which is destined to fail because my whole house is a little overwhelming, but my bathroom during the week-end of January 7-9 doesn't leave me feeling all that freaked.
But still, when I was going through my calendars for 2011 I just had this feeling of "Ick" like I don't want to deal with 2011. No offense 2011, but for some reason I just don't like you. It's like when you meet a person and they seem alright but for some reason you just don't like them. I'm sure you're a perfectly nice year, but I'm not feeling it. Maybe it's because you're the year that's going to force me to turn 40. Maybe I just don't like the number 11. I don't know. But for some reason I was putting dates on my calendar and just kept thinking I just don't want to deal.
Part of my problem is that there have been several years where nothing really bad has happened. Maybe somewhere in the back of my mind is the thought that the other shoe has to drop eventually. I'm not really sure. I've just been kind of "meh" all week. But...I'm a Member of the Band over at Band Back Together and this is the year of "Bringing Back the Happy" over there. It's the Bringing Happy Back World Tour and I am going on it. I just didn't realize I was going to drag myself kicking and screaming and I'm really not sure why.
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