Friday, October 22, 2010


One of the principles of recovery in 12 step programs is gratitude.  Primarily that gratitude isn't a's an action.  At least, that's what has been true for me.  And we're coming up to November which is always considered "Gratitude Month" because of "Thanksgiving" and that's when you should be grateful.  Which has always ticked me off.  "Gratitude Month" should be turned into "Gratitude Friday at 4:30 am because I woke up from a dream and realized that I'm nice and cozy in my bed instead of out on the streets."  or "Gratitude Wednesday at noon because the husband grilled cheeseburgers for lunch."  or "Gratitude Saturday morning because even though I have a migraine...I still have medicine and it will go away." My focus should always be on gratitude and my question should always can I pay it back?

Today was a great example.  I'm grateful for the freedoms afforded me by our military.  Our men and women who give up homes, families, friends and comfort to go to the most horrible places on earth and fight for our freedom.  Because of my medical history it was never possible for me to become one of those people.  The most I have had to sacrifice was quite a few sleepless nights when my baby brother was in the Army and serving in Kosovo.  I haven't had to watch a child or spouse or parent go.  But I can express my gratitude.  I have the freedom to whine, complain and gripe about my country...and I have the freedom to say that in spite of our flaws, in spite of what we do to each other, in spite of the economy, we are the best country in the world.  Now how do I pay it back?  I voted.  I took 15 minutes out of my day and I let my voice be heard.  Will it matter?  I don't know.  But I did it.  I encourage everyone who reads my blog (all both of you) to take the time out of your lives to go vote and let your voice be heard.

Another thing that has struck me this week is that I'm so very grateful for my job.  I don't always love it.  It's not always easy.  But I have one.  And for the most part it rocks.  This week I've gotten a couple of opportunities to be of service outside of the 40 hour work week.  It's Spirit Week...where the three classes of students compete against each other in different things.  I got to be a judge this year.  It's an honor to be asked.  All I am is a little ol' school secretary.  But I got the opportunity to interact with the kids and I had a blast., I did not love the pumpkin and coconut milkshake (seriously?  yuck) and I sure didn't love sticking my hand in a pile of stink bait to get the dead fish with the key tied to it.  But for the most part it was a great night and I can't wait to do it again.

And finally, there's my family.  I'm grateful for every single one of them.  My life is richer for having all of them.  The parents, the grandparents, the brothers, the kids, the grandkids, the aunts and uncles, the cousins, the steps, the in-laws and the out-laws.  I don't do nearly enough to show my gratitude for them.  I still spend way too much time worrying about who is doing what for me instead of what I can do for them.  But I'm trying...

And I would have none of it without my Higher Power - God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  Thank you.

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